Just about every environment, from desert to mountain to rolling prairie, is accessible with a trusty bike, and offers an incredible journey for leisurely pedallers and hardcore cyclists alike. Cruising through your destination on a bicycle brings you closer to the land and its people than just about any other travel. The added mobility gives you the chance to see well-known locales from a new perspective and opens up remote corners for further exploration. And since you control the pace, you’re free to stop at a friendly café or roadside market, or turn that rolling field into an impromptu picnic spot.

That all sounds pretty sweet but maybe you’ve got questions about our cycling tours? Good thing we’ve gathered a bunch of our answers for you. Let’s pedal on!

What’s the pace like?
What you get out of a cycling trip all depends on how much you want to put in. Low-key trips in more relaxed destinations are perfect for pleasure-seekers, while the more demanding routes across harsher environments give the more competitively-minded all they can handle.

cycling brings you closer to the local people and fellow travellers
cycling brings you closer to the local people and fellow travellers

Who’s leading the way?
Wherever you go, your group is led by your CEO (Chief Experience Officer) and, in some regions, local guides with expert knowledge of the landscape and trails. Most routes feature a variety of ways to get from point A to point B, and can be customized on-the-fly to the whims of the group.

local guides lead the way and let you really see and experience their home country
local guides lead the way and let you really see and experience their home country

How can I tell if a trip is right for my skill level?
Each cycling trip has its own physical grading designation, which tells you how far, how high up, and what sort of terrain you’ll encounter. The higher the grade number, the more challenging the trip will be.

have the time of your life on two wheels whether you like to cruise or go full out
have the time of your life on two wheels whether you like to cruise or go full out

Do I need to bring my own bike?
We provide you with a bike, so you won’t need to worry about packing all of your gear. Each piece of equipment is expertly inspected before each trip to ensure it’s up to snuff. But if you prefer to use your own stuff, by all means bring it along! We’ll make sure it goes wherever you do.

from cruisers to mountain bikes we'll make sure you're safely ready to roll
from cruisers to mountain bikes we'll make sure you're safely ready to roll

What about my luggage?
Some people might enjoy the challenge of strapping their belongings to their backs and riding on to the next town. Those people are not us. While you bike, your luggage travels separately to your next destination and awaits your arrival. Let's go already!

Getting There

Ready to take a spin on a heart-pumping active adventure? Check out our full range of Active Travel tours.