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The Wall of Tears in the Galápagos

Guidebook writer and Galápagos expert Regis St Louis looks at one of the harrowing tales that give this archipelago an infamous air.

by Regis St Louis

6 tips to survive a night of drinking in Korea

Thirsty for a genuine ‘taste’ of Korea? Alcohol takes up a decent percentage of it by volume! Here’s six tips to help you through a night of drinking in the Land of the Morning Calm.

by Daniel Sendecki

The sagas of Icelanders

Viking voyages, family feuds, and epic battles. Let these famous texts welcome you to the adventure of Iceland’s past

by Liz Beatty

Weird and wonderful worldly Christmases

Nearly naked Santas, a horned demon, and a squat toilet in the nativity certainly offer unique perspectives on traditions of the festive season.

by Paul Clammer

Yuletide joy in Norway

Celebrate Christmas alongside gnomes, gingerbread towns, and the northern lights in Norway.

by Shelley Seale

Karni Mata: The Rat Temple of Rajasthan

Rajahstan’s Karni Mata is home to more than 20,000 black rats — and Hindu devotees travel great distances to worship these revered rodents.

by Jodi Ettenberg

Southern Africa by radio dial

Travel writer Pam Mandel finds that turning the (virtual) dial toward today’s music from Southern Africa leads her to a wonderment that’s a journey unto itself.

by Pam Mandel